Experienced Representation And Effective Solution

According to their website, “Chambers USA ranks the top lawyers and law firms across all the United States of America. Law firms that have a national presence are also ranked in our Nationwide tables (which focus on those firms that are the country’s best in their respective areas of practice).

Chambers and Partners rankings are assessed by our experienced team of Chambers researchers. Please see our methodology page to find out more. When buying legal services in the USA, Chambers and Partners can provide reliable and trusted recommendations to help you make an informed decision.”

Sher Garner has been consistently ranked by Chambers USA over the years, and in 2022, our firm was ranked as one of Louisiana’s top real estate firms. Moreover, our 2022 ranked Louisiana attorneys include Elwood F. Cahill Jr., Marie A. Moore, Leopold Z. Sher (Real Estate) and Steven I. Klein (Tax).