Experienced Representation And Effective Solution

Fidelity And Surety Representation

We represent companies that furnish surety bonds – payment and performance bonds that provide a financial guarantee that specified subcontractors, laborers and materialmen will be paid for labor and materials furnished to a project and that the project will be completed in accordance with the contract documents.

We handle the claims that arise from the issuance of surety bonds from inception through workout and focus on:

  • Defaults of bonded contractors
  • Reprocurements, contractor financing and analysis of options available to mitigate damages
  • Takeover arrangements and other methods of resolving performance defaults
  • Payment bond claims
  • Surety subrogation rights
  • Surety indemnification and exoneration
  • Right of Equitable Subrogation

Fidelity Bond Law And Litigation

We also handle fidelity bond law and litigation. A fidelity case involves blanket and schedule bonds issued to commercial and financial institutions. They provide coverage for fraud or dishonesty of the insured’s employees. We handle the claims that arise from the issuance of fidelity bonds from inception through workout and focus on investigating and defending check and securities forgery and fiduciary and employee dishonesty claims and subrogation claims.