A class-action lawsuit is the consolidation of several related lawsuits into one. An individual may join a class action lawsuit if the individual’s injuries and legal issues are substantially similar to the other class members. Because it is common to have hundreds or thousands of plaintiffs alleging injury in class actions, it is critical to be represented by a firm with both the human resources and skills to sift through the large volume of documents generated and to evaluate the plaintiffs’ claims efficiently.
Because it is common to have hundreds or thousands of plaintiffs alleging injury in class actions, it is critical to work with a law firm that has both the human resources to sift through a large volume of documentation and the skill to evaluate plaintiffs’ claims efficiently.
At Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C., our Louisiana class action lawyers have defended companies and individuals in cases involving exposure to asbestos, silica, benzene and other toxic chemicals, as well as commercial matters, securities and business torts.
To consult with our New Orleans class action attorneys, please contact us online.