Experienced Representation And Effective Solution

For more than 15 years, the lawyers of Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C., have facilitated transactions of various kinds between businesses, corporations, government and private entities.

Our pool of transactional law talent is deep, and we draw upon it to provide single-source convenience for our clients, many of whom return to us again and again. Any client who brings us a transactional matter can expect an honest and accurate appraisal of that matter and a resolution in the most practical, direct and economically feasible manner.

Business Transactions Attorneys Serving Louisiana And The Gulf Coast

Our transactional representation includes the following:

  • Business and corporate transactions involving purchases, sales, contracts, financing, debt management, employment agreements, mergers and acquisitions, investments, and other transactional issues
  • Environmental transactions involving natural resources, remediation, and other issues related to the sale, purchase or transfer of real estate between parties
  • Government-related transactions involving contracts with government entities and taxation
  • Insurance disputes involving coverage, subrogation, regulatory issues, restructurings, equity changes, investments and related matters
  • Employment transactions involving contracts, wages, employee benefits, bonuses and other related issues

To learn more, or to discuss your goals and options, contact our New Orleans transaction attorneys today.