Experienced Representation And Effective Solution

Representation In Malpractice, Liability And Defense Litigation, Licensure And Reporting, Lobbying And More

The New Orleans health care attorneys at Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C., work with clients to craft solutions that minimize risk and maximize performance.

We represent private and public hospitals, group medical and dental practices, nursing homes, individual doctors, durable medical equipment suppliers and clinical laboratories.

Representation Of Hospitals And Clinics | Louisiana Hospital And Health Care Attorneys

Our representation of hospitals and clinics includes:

Defense In Malpractice, Liability And Insurance Matters

Our lawyers advocate for and defend the interests of physicians, hospitals and others in the health care industry in matters of:

Demystifying Medicare And Medicaid

Medicare is an entitlement program — an individual is entitled to it because it was paid for through Social Security taxes. Medicaid, on the other hand, is a federal program for low-income, financially needy people, set up by the federal government and administered differently in each state.

People may qualify and receive coverage from both Medicare and Medicaid, but there are separate eligibility requirements for each program.

Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C., represents clients in cases involving:

  • Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement. We have successfully litigated Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement appeals before various administrative boards and have handled reimbursement matters at the appellate level. Our goal is to obtain payment for costs and services to which our clients are entitled.
  • Medicare/Medicaid fraud. We represent health care providers, hospitals, nursing homes, group practices, individual doctors, ambulance companies, durable medical equipment suppliers and clinical laboratories that have been charged with Medicare or Medicaid fraud.

Contact Us | New Orleans Health Care Attorneys

Legal issues surrounding health care are complex. Retain a law firm that understands the legal terrain. Contact Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C., in New Orleans, Louisiana.